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By design, air conditioning units are generally very hardy systems. They’d have to be, after all! Having said that though, their lifespan can vary depending on how they’re treated – and some people can find out far too late that they’re drastically shortening the lifespan of theirs. This week, we’re looking at a few of the most common actions that can accelerate wear and tear on air conditioning units.
The filter is a very important – but sadly overlooked – part of your air conditioning unit. When working properly, it eliminates harmful contaminants and other undesirables that might otherwise accumulate in your system. But if it’s too clogged with dust or other particles, the results can quickly become noticeable as it struggles to maintain the flow of air through your home. It doesn’t mean that you need to be checking it religiously every day, but it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on the state of your filter if you want to guarantee the ongoing effectiveness and efficiency of your system.
There’s a common misconception that it’s better to have your air conditioning running constantly rather than switching it on and off. Now, this is true to a certain extent; frequent drastic changes in temperature will put a strain on your system as it struggles to keep up. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that having it on constantly does it any favours either! When you run, you get tired. The same principle applies – if your air con is running constantly than the wear and tear on the system will become evident a lot faster.
So, we can hear you thinking, if I can’t do one and I can’t do the other, exactly how can I look after my air conditioning? Well, it’s simple really; you just need to keep it within a relatively small range of temperatures (though obviously you’ll need to switch this up between summer and winter), and keep it off whenever you can in order to maximise its lifespan.
A mistake that a lot of people make is waiting too long to have their unit serviced, even when a problem is evident. As you may have heard us say before here at Askews, even a small issue can quickly develop into a much bigger problem if left unchecked. Cost is one of the main aspects that put many people off scheduling a responsive callout – we know that better than anyone here at Askews, which is why we offer regular service and maintenance as a core part of our service offering.
Preventative service and maintenance is much cheaper in the long run, as well as giving you the benefit of regular expertise from our highly-trained heating and cooling engineers, who will be able to deal with existing problems as well as nipping any developing issues in the bud, keeping your air conditioning unit at peak efficiency for the maximum possible time. Give us a call on 01282 863 825 today, or click here for a free quote!
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