Askews Refrigeration Services

Why temperature control is important for schools

temperature for schools

If you’re a regular follower of our blog, you’ll know that we’ve extensively covered the effects of temperature on the workplace before. It probably comes as no surprise, therefore, to learn that for many of the same reasons, temperature control is equally as important in schools – possibly even more so, given their essential role in shaping people’s future lives and opportunities. Here are just three reasons why optimum temperature control with heating and air conditioning systems is so important.

Preventing overheating and boost energy and concentration levels

We live in an ever-advancing world, so children today have to learn more than they ever have before. That’s why schools have to do all they can to help them achieve their true learning potential and ensuring that the temperature is right within the classroom is one of the most important aspects of this. We all know how drained we feel on days when it’s hot and humidity is high. That can be amplified within a classroom environment because of the proximity of many bodies in a confined space, so it can quickly become unpleasantly hot for everyone. Askews are experts in air conditioning for schools and other large buildings, so our cost-effective temperature control solutions can boost energy, concentration and productivity levels.

Creating a healthier environment

Another important consideration in classrooms is infection control. Our immune systems are changing and strengthening throughout our childhood years, but that can make children particularly prone to illnesses such as colds and flu. That’s why a sneeze, cough or sore throat can spread through a classroom like wildfire, and rounds of infections can recur again and again. The good news is that high-quality air conditioning not only reduces heat levels, it can also clean pollutants from the air, which makes it a great way to combat bugs in classroom or office environments.

Cutting out distractions

Without effective air conditioning in place, on warmer days, schools have little choice but to open their windows and hope that a cooling breeze comes to their aid. This may or may not reduce the internal temperature and humidity, but it will certainly make the classroom noisier and provide visual distractions too. The result is a classroom where concentration levels sharply drop. Teachers shouldn’t have to choose between sweltering conditions or distracted pupils, but with Askews air conditioning solutions in situ, you can keep the windows closed even during the hottest weeks of the school term.

Air conditioning is a welcome addition to any building, but when it’s used in a classroom environment it also becomes an important aid to learning, and that can make a big difference to the results pupils achieve and, therefore, to their future lives and careers. Classrooms that are less humid and not excessively hot, with fewer infections spreading, and with less noise are the perfect environment for the modern pupil to thrive in. Here at Askews, our engineers have decades of experience in air conditioning maintenance in offices, schools and plenty more environments besides. Why not click here for a free quote, or simply give us a call on 01282 863825 to find out what we can do for you?

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